Monday, June 28, 2010


I'm going to a sleepover at Ike's house! It's gonna be fun! I'll bring over the spare Nintendo 64 and play it with him!

I am making paper-mache planets. my Magic decks are at the ready. I have a new Bakugan, Subbterra Coredum. I just got Doodle Jump on my IPhone. Doodle Jump is a game where yo make a doodle jump to the top of a piece of paper.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Zombie Farm

I'm in the pokemon league! The Elite Four are easy, but Lance is so hard!!! I get to his Arydactlal, but then he knocks out all my pokemon! I even tried using my Bayonette and Lucario!

For a graduation gift, I was given a IPhone. On it is a awesome game where I raise the undead from the ground. This game is called Zombie Farm. I am a level four farmer who currently has 5 zombies. I had 9, but I lost four in a fight against Old McDonnel. I have girl zombies on the way, though. Plus, I just bought the turnip mutation!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brother gets a tooth pulled

I made enchiladas tonight. They tasted fine. I don't like typing this.

My brother's tooth was pulled today. I bet he cried like baby! He wore a dorky paper thing in his mouth all day. I went to my aunt's house while he was at the dentist's. I bounced on their trampoline and played video games.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer vacation

I am in summer vacation. I have to do workbook ) : and get weekends off ; ).

I was at Toys R Us yesterday and got some Bakugan called Subbterra Sabator and Subbterra Foxbat. I also got a Bakugan BattleGear called Rock Hammer. Rock Hammer is a gold Gear that boosts my Bakugan's Gs by 70. My brother got Bakugan, too. He got Clear Akwimos and Twin Destructor.

Yesterday was My brother's birthday. He got a Haos Bakugan and a BattleGear. He also got Magic cards and a lego set. We all had ice cream cake!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My graduation

Above: Me and my reading teacher ;)

Today was the most important day in my life (so far). It was GRADUATION DAY AT RCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dressed up to the occasion. The principal made a joke of making it standard dress code. We entered Gym with the graduation music on (LOL) and proceeded to our chairs. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, Speeches, people walking across the stage. I got my friends to sign my yearbook and the photo with all of us in it. I left early.

I caught Ho-oh, the fire bird Pokemon in Pokemon Heartgold. I caught it with the Master ball and named it Keldor. Currently, it is at level 46 and knows Extrasensory, Fly, Fire Blast and Sacred Fire. My team is Keldor the Ho-oh, LV 46, Red Gyarados, LV 42, Typhlosion, LV 43, Epona the Ponyta, LV 32, and Ampharos, LV 43.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Fifth Grade Dance

Above: My friends from left to right: J, Con, Me, and Ike

Days ago RCE had a fifth grade dance. Before we went, we had famous people's names taped to our backs. Honestly, I didn't know half the names. I was Nathen Kress. When we went in the gym, they had a red carpet and a DJ and everything! We walked in further and they gave us glasses (plastic). I entered my name in the giveaway thing but I didn't win. When they served food they gave out great stuff! There was brownies and chips and cookies and even cake! Ike and I had a ballon war! In the end, Ike won be shurekening me in the eye. Then we took pictures! It Was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Exclusive Battles of Epsilon Exerpt

I. My Pants are set on Fire

At first there was nothing. No space, no time, not even light. Then, there was a explosion of massive proportions. When that happened, ion and plasma were scattered across the young universe.
Ion and plasma are attracted to each other. Weird things can happen when they fuse. I learned this in the hospital when the doctor told me how my pants were set on fire in front of half of Utopia City!

This is a excerpt from the future book (maybe) called Battles of Epsilon by Arado (me)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Battles of Epsilon

I'm writing a book!!!!!!! It's going to be called Battles of Epsilon. It is a book about a war on the planet of Epsilon. The war is between ERUP (Empire of Races United for Power) and the rebellion. You'll have to wait for the book for more info.

In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I found the boss key. In the boss room, I fell down a pit. When I hit the ground, I bounced. Then giant hands started beating on the ground. A humongous monster appeared out of nowhere,then disappeared. The battle to defeat Bongo Bongo began.

I instinctively shot the only visible part of Bongo Bongo's body, his hands. Then I put on the Lens Of Truth to see him rush at me. I shot more arrows into his eye and started slashing at the same spot. Then I repeated. Finally I slashed him the last time and he started bongoing to death. Then I got the Shadow medallion from Impa, the Shadow Sage. Goodnight, Bongo Bongo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!