Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prometheus REVIEW!

I recently began delving into the Alien universe.  A few months after watching Alien, I decided to see Prometheus in theater.  The movie is about
WARNING! SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a group of humans who venture into space to find their creators.  As the movie progresses, the Alien evolves into more advanced forms.  It starts as a mealworm, then advances into a snake thing,  then evolves to a giant squid monster,  finally ending pretty close to what an alien looks like.

The characters:

David: A creepy robot boy.  Deciphers the language of the so called "Engineers."  Also ends up killing a doctor on the ship.

Elizabeth Shaw: The main character.  Gets infected but uses a surgery table to rip out a baby squid monster.

Fifield: Mercenary who smokes.  Becomes a zombie and kills half the crew.

Old guy whose name I can't remember: Man who sent the people to find the Engineers.  Killed by the last Engineer.

Black guy whose name I can't remember: Awesome pilot.  Flies the ship into the last Engineer's spacecraft.

Blond girl whose name I can't remember: Leader of mission.  Annoyed at the fact that she was forced to go to a desolate planet's moon.  Gets squished by Engineer's ship.

All in all, I consider this a good movie.  In a 1 to 10 scale, I would rate Prometheus a
GO SEE THIS MOVIE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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